I spent a tremendous amount of time and effort on recording and releasing a new original song, The New Normal, that I wrote about the gun violence epidemic here in the USA. It was released back in July 2022 as an album consisting of a 6+ minute full song with spoken word along with a shorter 4+ minute radio edit version.
I didn’t plan to make a music videos for the two versions of The New Normal, but to make a long story short, it happened. I toiled for two weeks on the creation of the video, planning the outline, researching and compiling footage, filming footage along with lip-syncing! Then, editing the video that was released October 8, 2022 on my YouTube Channel.
I was so excited to have it finished and thought that I would be able to post it on YouTube and add a fundraising button for Everytown For Gun Safety, right next to the video, like John Legend did on his very emotionally moving – Preach (Official Video) – He set-up a fundraiser directly on YouTube in 2019, and I was so excited thinking that I could do the same!
Unfortunately, I found out afterwards, that in order to do this, you need 10K subscribers! I was so disappointed to not be able to add a fundraising button next to the video but I found out that you need to meet this criteria in order to do so:
Eligibility requirements To be eligible to fundraise with YouTube Giving, your channel has to meet the following requirements:
Channel is located in the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada
Channel has at least 10k subscribers
Channel is a part of the YouTube Partner Program
Channel is NOT designated as made for kids
But suffice it to say, it is what it is. If you have 10K subscribers on your YouTube Channel and meet the above criteria, you can add a fundraising button by following these video instructions: https://youtu.be/EBXoFtzUWIw
At least I was able to raise $100 from downloads and streaming sales since the song was released in July. I will be sending a check to Everytown for Gun Safety on December 31, 2022 for all funds raised to date. Then, after this, I will continue to send my monthly $5 donation that I’ve been sending since 2012 along with any additional proceeds from the sale of The New Normal, in perpetuity, to honor and remember the victims of gun violence and continued efforts for gun sense in America.
As bleak as it seems, we are making a difference! The lack of a “Red Wave” in November was proof of this, thanks to so many more Generation Z voters showing up to vote! The first meaningful federal gun safety laws in 25 years were just passed this year and it’s only the beginning of big changes that I’m 100% certain will continue because we literally can’t live like this! The majority of USA voters want better laws to stop the endless gun violence! This is the new normal, but this is not normal!
All proceeds from video views, streaming and downloads of The New Normal will be donated to Everytown for Gun Safety*
*not endorsed or created with Everytown for Gun Safety but an independently organized fundraiser by Thea Kearney/Sea Dragon Records.